| 1. | Lady beetles have no food after crops have been harvested 庄稼收获有瓢虫就没有了粮食。 |
| 2. | Lady beetles have no food after crops have been harvested 瓢虫在庄稼收割以后就没了吃的。 |
| 3. | Making use of wastes after crop - processing as raw materids 利用农作物加工后的废弃物为原料。 |
| 4. | Lady beetles have no food after crops have been harvested 庄稼丰收后,瓢虫就没有了食物来源。 |
| 5. | Lady beetles have no food after crops have been harvested 在农作物收获以后,瓢虫就没有了食物。 |
| 6. | The strip goes further after croping through next pinch rolls and stops waiting for welding 带钢齐头剪切后经夹送辊送至焊机等待焊接。 |
| 7. | In 8 years or less , crop after crop will die off leaving hundreds and thousands of humans starving in many places that have not known starvation in recent history 在8年或更少时间中,一茬接一茬的庄稼将死去,将给近代历史上从未尝过饥饿滋味的很多地区留下数以万计处于饥馑之中的人们。 |